psychicjade - Lenomard Card Reading and Western Astrology

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psychicjade - Lenomard Card Reading and Western Astrology in Zutphen

Talk to psychicjade - Lenomard Card Reading and Western Astrology in Zutphen now. 10-15 years of experience in Western Astrology. Hello, My name is Lina. Besides my clairsentience & telepathic abilities, I benefit from insights of the Lenormand cards so that I can revive your positive energies and unconscious energies inside yourself. My readings are very accurate and I predict and consult you with the highest accuracy. I have a lot of experience and practice in finding your blockages such as fears, uncertainties, weaknesses through events from your past, and solve them, so that your energy can flow more freely again. I help you to become aware of your blockages. Your perspective about yourself and your life will change, and you find inner peace again. I also have a lot of life experience, also in the psychological field. I consider it very unhealthy to call everyone: Dear, gloss over unpleasant feelings, and to encourage people to oppress their anger & sadness & fear & mistrust as these feelings are part of the human emotions as well, and need to be looked at too & given space. Because constructive criticism & arguing belongs to life and personal development. I call this an entire holistic approach to a successful healing process. My work is pragmatic, and I guide you through all your major problems. I show you the solutions and advise you to change habits where it is necessary. Through my coaching, you can develop further your personality , and make full use of your opportunities, and achieve an effective outcome. I lay out the cards on every topic: here some example questions: PERSONALITY: "Why am I sometimes so sad?" Or "What can I change about my relationship, so that...?" or "What is currently going on at a deeper level in my relationship?“ Or "What is currently going on between my partner and me? Or "At which point I am currently concerning my personal development?" Or "What is going on in my life right now?" etc. RELATIONSHIP: Does he/she still have feelings for me? ( Is there a serious relationship coming up or not at all etc. ) Or " Is he / she honest with me in my relationship?" Or " Is he / she cheating on me?" Or "Is my partner a faithful person" Or "When will I get married? " Or „She /He is not interested in me, what can I do in this situation?“ CAREER: „When and will I find a new job?“ ( How long does it take until I find a new job? Will I be happy on that job? etc. ) Or „ Is my current job the right job for me?“ OR „ What kind of education / job should I aspire for my furture?“ etc. -MOBBING: „Why do my colleagues always try to make fun of me?“ Or „Shall I change my workplace and look for another job?“ OR - „My colleagues hate me, what can I do in this situation?“ etc. -FINANCIAL SITUATION: „When will my financial situation improve?“ Or „ What can I do to improve my financial situation?“ etc. SELF_EMPLOYMENT: „What can I do to become self-employed?“ Or „Will I be successful with self-employment?“ Or „How long will it take to become self-employed?“ Or „Is self-employment the right step/path for me?“ etc. IF YOU JUST HAVE A YES / NO QUESTION, I CAN ANSWER THAT WITH THE PENDULUM. I ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS WITH REGARD TO ASTROLOGY. Here some example questions: -„Does his / her moon sign match with my sun sign?“ Or -„Does his Venus sign match with my sun sign?“ Or -„Does my Mars sign match with his sun sign?“ Or -„Are we astrologically compatible at all?“ ( If not, you need to make more efforts on the relationship, as non compatible signs can also live together happily ). Or -„Is he / she a faithful person or a cheater?„ Or -„Is he / she a realtionship-type or a free bird?“ Or -„Is he /she egoistic or a compassionate person?“ Or -„What is my astrological learning task / karma in this life that will bring the success into my life?“ Or - Who will assert themselves in a discussion or an argument?" -"When is the best time this year for exams/ to find a job/ to find a new partner?" The HOUSES show a futher important construct in your horoscope. They are based on the time you were born and are separated into 12 sections. Every house has its own meaning and stands for a certain area of life. In order to set up your houses, the semicircle on the horizon is separated into 6 sections. The 7th house for example belongs to Libra and shows your relationship, partnerships and your participation in social life. Here some example questions: -What are the most eminent traits about my personality?" Or -How do I approach my environment / others? Am I an open -minded person or rather mistrusting person?" Or "Could I be clairvoyant according to my astrological predisposition?" Or -"Could it be possible that I earn a fortune one day?" Or -"Do I tend to have good luck or rather bad luck in life?" ( and must make more efforts) Or „ "What is my attitude towards daily work?“ Or _“How do I behave with superiors?“ Or -„What is my professional real vocation?“ Or -"Will I ever move abroad?" Or - "How does my environment perceive me? What impression do I make on my environment?" Or -"Am I too dreamy, and do I need to work on being more realistic?" Or -" Am I in danger to fall for alcohol /drugs /any other addictions in my life?" Or -Does my partner show aggressive signs / violent signs in his natal chart?" etc. IF I AM NOT ONLINE, YOU CAN GET AN EMAIL COACHING OR READING, I WILL REPLY TO YOUR EMAIL AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, AT THE LATEST WITHIN 48 HOURS. IF YOU ARE A GUEST, I CAN'T ADIVSE NOR COACH YOU. YOU CAN REGISTER FOR FREE BY CLICKING ON THE YELLOW BUTTON: PRIVATE READING. IF YOU WANT EXACT INFORMATION WITH REGARD TO YOUR QUESTION, I ASK YOU TO VISIT MY PRIVATE CHAT. FOR THAT PURPOSE YOU NEED CREDITS THAT YOU CAN PURCHASE ON ORANUM. IF YOU ARE HAPPY WITH MY COACHING OR READING, IT WOULD BE COOL TO LEAVE A TESTIMONIAL FOR ME. IF YOU HAD AN EMAIL READING YOU CAN ASK THE SUPPORT TEAM TO UPLOAD YOUR TESTIMONIAL FOR ME. KIND REGARDS LINA

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